This international congress was organised by the Medical Association Fasting and Nutrition (ÄGHE e.V.) in cooperation with the Clinics Buchinger Wilhelmi in Überlingen and Marbella and the Maria Buchinger Foundation.
Renowned international guests from Germany, Switzerland and the U.S. lectured on their research and clinical experience in the field of fasting and caloric restriction. Fasten 2.0. refers to the quantum leap, which fasting research has achieved, especially in the field of longevity. The clinical aspect of fasting as well as the cellular aspect and the gene expression are taken into consideration. Two pioneers of fasting, Dr. med. Heinz Fahrner und Dr. med. Hellmut Lützner from Überlingen, received the Maria Buchinger Foundation Award.
Prof. Valter Longo, L.A. (USA)
Prof. James Mitchell, Boston (USA)
Prof. Miriam Bredella, Boston (USA)
Ärztegesellschaft Heilfasten & Ernährung e.V.
The Medical Association of Fasting and Nutrition, founded in 1986, promotes research on therapeutic fasting and integrative nutrition and supports their clinical application.
Buchinger Wilhelmi
Buchinger Wilhelmi is a leading clinic for therapeutic fasting, nutrition and integrative medicine. In addition to our many years of experience with therapeutic fasting, we have incorporated a modern interpretation of Dr. Otto Buchinger's fundamental insights into achieving a healthy and fulfilled life in our treatments, based on latest knowledge.
The Maria Buchinger Foundation
The Maria Buchinger Foundation has been created to honour Maria Buchinger, founder of Marbella's clinica Buchinger Wilhelmi.
The goal of the foundation is to promote research on fasting in partnership with universities and progressive institutions; fasting as a therapy, as a preventive and as a spiritual procedure.